Welcome to "Stars After Stars After Stars", the new website/blog for Spike Priggen. I loved my old site that my friend Phil Ames
put together for me when "The Very Thing That You Treasure" came out,
but I needed a new site for my new CD ("Stars After Stars After Stars"-
coming out March 23rd) and I fell in love with the "blog" format and
ease of use after doing this other blog "Bedazzled" for a while and decided to re-do Spikepriggen.com as one.
All of the content from the old site has been re-posted here (more or less), including all the Scrapbook stuff, the Store, lotsa Sounds
and more, plus a few new things. I'll be posting a lot more stuff in
the future, about the new CD, and plenty more vintage sounds and
images. Stay tuned....
(Picture is of the inside booklet poster of my new CD)